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Uptime is when your website is functional and available to users on the internet. In more technical terms, it means the amount of time your website server is operational and doesn’t experience any interruptions. It is usually measured as a percentage of the total operational… Read More »


URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Each web page you visit on the internet has its own URL, telling your web browser exactly where it needs to go.  URLs are essentially the built-in navigation system of the internet. They guide us to our destinations, help… Read More »

User Permissions

In WordPress, user permissions define what each user role can and can’t do on your website. By default, five user roles are offered, and you assign a role to each user so they can perform the tasks they need to do. This means that some… Read More »


WordPress automatically checks for updates on the WordPress core as well as installed plugins and themes. WordPress highlights available updates in the Dashboard » Updates menu. From there an administrator can re-install and upgrade the WordPress core as well as update any plugins and themes… Read More »

User Role

In WordPress, a user role defines what a logged-in user can do on your WordPress website. Some users may have full control over your site, while others may only be able to do certain tasks, like creating posts, editing content, or moderating comments. To see… Read More »