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How to Create a One-Click Checkout in WordPress (5 Ways)

Are you looking to learn how to create a one-click checkout in WordPress? Optimizing checkout for a smoother experience for customers is one of the highest priorities when running an eCommerce site. Specifically, adding a one-click checkout in WordPress helps users complete transactions faster, which… Read More »

How to Sell Personal Training Services with WordPress

Do you want to sell your personal training services online? Luckily, WordPress lets you create a simple payment form or even an entire membership site to sell your personal training services. This will allow clients to ask about your services and schedule training sessions directly… Read More »

Common Affiliate Marketing Scams and How to Avoid Them

At WPBeginner, we have extensive experience in affiliate marketing. We’ve seen it all, both as marketers and as businesses running our own affiliate programs. With over 15 years in the industry, we’ve run across various scams and frauds. Most people in affiliate marketing are honest… Read More »

Featured WordPress Plugins
Thrive Themes
Suite of Growth and Conversion Tools for WordPress. View this plugin

How to Optimize Your Site SEO for DuckDuckGo

Do you want to optimize your site SEO for DuckDuckGo? While Google still dominates the search engine scene, DuckDuckGo is rapidly expanding worldwide due to its stance on privacy. Don’t overlook the chance to boost your site’s visibility and tap into organic traffic from this… Read More »